This blog is a continuation of the FCA blog. I actually mused over this in Summer 2004, but wanted to recap for myself and share some source code.
The article I read back then was Endliche Hüllensysteme und ihre Implikationenbasen (Finite hull systems and their implications). I summarize this article here, since I didn't find an english version online.
In short, a context is constructed, where rows are subsets of attributes ''A'', i.e. elements of the power set, and columns are implications between subsets and the incidence is given by respects (⊢ ), H = {2A, 2A × 2A, ⊢} . This context is simplified, by applying the Armstrong rules, to form a non-redundant, complete, reduced context, named B . Then an algorithm is presented, which takes the intents of some context and recursively constructs the respected implications using B and afterwards uses the 3rd Armstrong rule to find an easy set of implications, i.e. not necessarily minimal, but easier than the Duquenne-Guiges-Basis.
- U → V : an implication is a pair (U, V) , U ⊆ M and V ⊆ M U is premiss and V conclusion.
- W⊢U → V : A set W respects (U, V) , if U⊈W or V ⊆ W . One also says: (U, V) holds for W .
- If V ⊆ U the implication is called trivial.
An intelligent system repeatedly gets sets of elements (attributes) as input (objects) and associates these elements. Implications are the result of many such sets.
- A concept lattice C respects (U, V) , iff U’ ⊆ V’ .
- (U, V) holds in C , iff V ⊆ U’’
Implications can be composed to give new implications. The minimal set of implications that produce all other implications is called an implication basis.
A minimal implication basis is given by the Duquenne-Guiges-Basis (stem basis), which consists of all pseudo-contents:
Let X ↦ X’’ be a closure operation, then P is pseudo-closed if
- P ≠ P’’
- Q ⊂ P ⇒ Q’’ ⊆ P
There cannot be a implication basis with less implications, than the Duquenne-Guiges-Basis, but one can choose implications that are easier (with low ∑|U||V| , U → V with V ≠ ∅ and U∩V = ∅ ).
Construction of H
H = {2A, 2A × 2A, ⊢} is a context and the according concepts C(H) = {(O, A)} are subsets (= objects of H ) that respect a set of implications (= attributes H ).
The basic implications ( ⇒ ) respected by this context C (⊨ ) are given by the Armstrong Axioms:
Some derived ones are ( ≡ is ⇒ in both directions):
Notation: UV means U∪V and Ui means U∪{i}
H can be constructed inductively. The sequence of the attributes is of no importance when constructing the power set.
In [1] {⋆} named the new attribute in the step n and {⋆⋆} in the step n + 1 . Here I name them i and j and ⋆ becomes a wild card meaning whatever element in a previous step.
In the following i means a new attribute. Because of A4:{X → Y} ≡ {X → XY} only implications with sets U ⊆ V are included, therefore Ui → V is not there.
- Ho = 1 , because ∅⊢∅ → ∅ .
- Lo = 0 , because ∅⊬∅ → {i} .
- (2, ⋆) implications hold with Xi = X∪{i} , because X respects U → V at location (1, 1) .
- The L in (1, 2) is discussed below
- The 1 in (1, 3) is because Ui⊈X makes the implication hold.
Ln + 1 is part of Hn + 2 , which adds another element j .
- The columns of Ln + 1 are those of Hn + 1 augmented by j at the conlusion side.
- The rows are the same as in Hn + 1 .
- As i , so is j not in X and we can distribute L to all but (1, 3) , where Ui⊈X makes it hold.
Construction of B
Because of A5 ({U → V, U → W} ≡ {U → VW} ) we can reduce H to implications of the shape U → U∪{i} , abbreviated U → i (thus Ui → j means U∪{i} → U∪{i, j} .
In the following ⋆ names the extra element on the right of a previous recursion step, whichever that was.
B is in analogy to H horizontally subdivided by three event:
- no new element i , ie some other ⋆ of a previous step is on the right.
- with i on right side
- with i on both sides: the extra element on the right is any ⋆ of a previous step.
- (1, 3) : Ui⊈X , so it holds.
- (2, 2) : Xi⊢U → i . If U⊈X , so is Ui⊈Xi , ie it holds; same for ⊆ .
- (1, 1) ⇒ (2, 1), (2, 3) : X⊢U → ⋆ ≡ Xi⊢U → ⋆ ≡ Xi⊢Ui → ⋆
- (1, 2) : see below
An + 1 is part of Bn + 2 , which adds another element j on the right side. The new element of step n (i ) can be on the left side or not, hence the horizontal partitioning.
The implications (columns) in B are reduced. The rows are reduced apart from the last line, which is always full.
Application to Find Implications for a Context
H , L , B , A ( = X ) are used to find the implication basis and the intents.
We recursively construct the composed context K○X defined by X(K(g)) , g is object of K .
Every attribute of K(g) = g’ gets a position. This position says whether the attribute is there or not there - column after the if in the following formulas. So every g’ is coded by a binary number. This is λ:2M↦{0, 1}n in [1].
The first two lines for (g[n])Hn show the according implication coding. This is κ:(U↦V)↦{0, 1, 2}n with 2 = i ∈ U , 1 = i ∈ V and U∩V = ∅ in [1]. So every binary attribute coding becomes a ternary implication coding.
For n = 1
For n > 1
The recursive construct with coding 1 = x ∈ V < 2 = x ∈ U shows that the column position, interpreted as ternary number, codes the implication. If the incidence at the column position is 1, then g’ respects this implication: {g’}Hn is indicator function for the respected implications.
The coding will also place a larger V before a smaller one when going from right to left. This way one can filter out implications with already encountered same left side.
The U∪V will be closed. If there is no implication for a left side, this is a closed intent, too.
Python Implementation
Python's arbitrary precission integers is used for coding. An attribute's position is the bit position of the integer. Every object is thus an integer. A context is a list of integers.
In here higher bits are more left; in the [1] they are more right; the horizontal order is inverted.
def UV_H(Hg,gw): """ Return implications UV respecting g. gw = g width Hg = H(g), g is the binary coding of the attribute set UV = all non-trivial (!V⊂U) implications U->V with UuV closed; in ternary coding (1=V,2=U) K = all closed sets """ lefts = set() K = set() UV = set() p = Hwidth(gw) pp = 2**p while p: pp = pp>>1 p = p-1 if Hg&pp: y = istr(p,3,gw) yy = y.replace('1','0') is02 = y.find('1') == -1 #y∈{0,2}^n if is02: K.add(y) elif yy not in lefts: lefts.add(yy) UV.add(y) return (UV,K)
Now we do the analogue procedure with the B context. In B the implications are of the shape U → U∪{x} , so we need to specify U and the one binary position of x. This implication coding can be derived from the column position recursively (see below).
For n = 1 :
For n > 1 :
The following Python returns the implication coding for a column t .
Awidth = lambda n: 2**n Bwidth = lambda n:n*2**(n-1) def A012(t,i): if i<0: return "" nA = Awidth(i) if t < nA: return "0"+A012(t,i-1) else: return "2"+A012(t-nA,i-1) def B012(t,i): """ Constructs ternary implication coding (0=not there, 2=U, 1=V) t is B column position i = |M|-1 to 0 """ if not i: return "1" nA = Awidth(i) nB = Bwidth(i) nBB = nB + nA if t < nB: return "0"+B012(t,i-1) elif t < nBB: return "1"+A012(t-nB,i-1) else: return "2"+B012(t-nBB,i-1)
The positions of the 1's in the B row for a given g yield the implications. Here the python source code:
def UV_B(Bg,gw): """ returns the implications UV based on B Bg = B(g), g∈2^M gw = |M|, M is the set of all attributes """ UV = [] p = Bwidth(gw) pp = 2**p while p: pp = pp>>1 p = p-1 if Bg&pp: uv = B012(p,gw-1) UV.append(uv) return UV
To get the implications that hold in a context K , i.e. for intent 1 and intent 2 and ..., we &-combine (multiply) the B rows for intent 1 and intent 2 and ...
See pyfca for the full and possibly updated source code.
Constructing a Basis
The implications that result via B can be pruned by
- first finding the minimal antichain
- then applying the 3rd Armstrong
The minimal Antichain
The 1-position (j) in the ternary coding is called significant component. Lj are all implications with the same significant component.
The implications U → j constructed in this way via K○B are ordered lexicographically based on 0 ≤ 1 ≤ 2 .
They are also ordered with the product order, which is a partial order, and it depicts the containment hierarchy of the U side. We want to find the smallest U of every chain in Lj . This minLj is an antichain and so is L = ∪minLj .
The UV_B above changed to return this minimal antichain:
def v_Us_B(Bg,gw): """ returns the implications {v:Us} based on B v is the significant component Bg = B(g), g∈2^M gw = |M|, M is the set of all attributes """ v_Us = defaultdict(list) p = Bwidth(gw) pp = 2**p while p: pp = pp>>1 p = p-1 if Bg&pp: uv = B012(p,gw-1) #lets find minima regarding product order #{v:[Umin1,Umin2,...]} v = uv.find('1')#v=significant u = uv[:v]+'0'+uv[v+1:] u = int(u.replace('2','1'),2) Umin_s = self[gw-v-1]#bit position from right it = [i for i,U in enumerate(Umin_s) if U&u==u] for i in reversed(it): del Umin_s[i] else: Umin_s.append(u) return v_Us
The Basis
In the construction of the minimal antichain the 2nd Armstrong rule has been used, but there is still redundancy due to the 3rd Armstrong rule {U → V, VW → Z} ⇒ {UW → Z} .
A component-wise operation is created to represent the 3rd Armstrong rule for the 0,1,2-coding
- U○VW ⇒ UW : 0○0 = 0 and 2○0 = 0○2 = 2○2 = 2 This is a binary or operation.
- V○VW ⇒ UW , no V in UW : 1○2 = 2○1 = 0 .
- Z ⇒ Z , V∩Z = ∅ : 1○0 = 0○1 = 1
- Li○Lj = {x○y|x ∈ Li, y ∈ Lj, i ≠ j}
Note that it is required that, with X → x and Y → y , x ∈ Y xor y ∈ X to make this the 3rd Armstrong rule.
This is implemented in python as
#u1,u2 code the attribute sets via the bits of an integer #v1,v2 are bit indices #u1->v1, vv1 = 2**v1 #u2->v2, vv2 = 2**v2 if vv2&u1 and not vv1&u2: return (v1,[(u1|u2)&~vv2]) elif vv1&u2 and not vv2&u1: return (v2,[(u1|u2)&~vv1])
The properties of ○ are:
- x○y = y○x
- x ≠ x○y ≠ y
- If x ≤ ny , then x○y ≤ ny , ≤ n is the product order
- If x○y ∈ Li , then x ∈ Li or y ∈ Li (note: Li not minLi )
- If there exits x○y = z ∈ L , then there exist x̃, ỹ ∈ L with x̃○ỹ = z
The objective is to find Y ⊆ L , of which the repeated application of ○ produces L : . = L
is defined as
- Y2 = Y○Y
- Yn + 1 = Yn∪{z ∈ L|z = x○y, x ∈ Yn, y ∈ Y∪Yn} This means that of Yn○(Yn∪Y) only elements in L are added at each step. But the algorithm below can cope with Yn getting bigger than L.
- ○Y = ∪n ≥ 2Yn
- = Y∪○Y
One starts with Y0 = L (L○L) , i.e. all those elements of L that are not results of an application of the 3rd Armstrong rule. As long as , we add n ≠ Lz ∈ L to nYn . Yn∪{z} cannot generate elements of Y0 , but it can generate elements of Zn = Yn Y0 . Therefore we do Yn + 1 = Y0∪(Zn (○(Yn∪z)))∪z , i.e. we also remove elements, but only those that can be generated together with z , hence . n ⊂ n + 1
The formula Yn + 1 = Y0∪(Zn (○(Yn∪z)))∪{z} in [1] lets you think, that only the current z can generate itself. But actually other z ∈ Zn could generate themselves. Zn (○(Yn∪z)) could remove elements other than z that are needed for the generation of elements in Yn , thus making Yn¬ ⊂ Yn + 1 . Still the latter is postulated in [1]. There is a comment, though, that states, one should use disjunct union. This is interpreted as: don't remove elements of Zn , where the current z is not involved in the generation.
Here ist the python code for that:
def basis_minomega(self): L = self Y = L - (L*L) while True: Ybar = Y + ~Y take = L - Ybar if not len(take): return Y else: z = next(take.flatten()) Yzgen = Y**z #generate with z involved Y = (Y - Yzgen) + z
This algorithm can generate a basis that is smaller regarding ω(UV) = ∑|U||V| , but not necessarily in count compared to the Duquenne-Guiges-Basis.
[1] | (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Endliche Hüllensysteme und ihre Implikationenbasen by Roman König. |