Sunday, June 28, 2015

Formal Concept Analysis

My Motivation

A had my first contact with Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) in Summer 2004. At the time I did some experiments in python, which I want to share here. Later on I became too busy again with work and other projects. Writing about it is also a refresher to myself.

My first motivation that made me google and find FCA was DB related.

As an example let's take (Givenname,Familyname). You can do either (G,iG)1-n(iG,F) and you will have many family names F occurring more than once (n>1 times) or you can do (G,iF)m-1(iF,F) and you will have many given names G occurring more than once (m>1 times).

To avoid this you would do

(G,iG)m-n(iF,F)  ⇒  (G,iG)1-m(iG,iF)n-1(iF,F)

This way a given name and a family name would be there once and you would reference each of them.

One can repeat the process, if there are more columns. This is called DB normalization.

  • Basically whenever a combination of values turns up more then once one would have to make an extra table. This extreme normally is not done.
  • Actually the foreign key is still repeated instead. Something like run-length encoding would mean referencing tables instead of rows in tables. It is possible but not relational database like.
  • Normally you end up having a lot of repeats in a table. This flattening of data and thereby ignoring the context is the reason for probability.

My previous blog was What is Information. There I identify the omnipresent variable, understood as a set to exclusively choose from, as a fundamental building block of information processing.

In FCA the basic variable is binary: distinguishable elements of a set, called attributes, are either there or not there together, and such a subset of the set of attributes is an object.

The next step of an information processing system, in order to reduce the memory usage, is to find, which of the attributes are exclusive in a context, and thus form a new variable.

A DBs is designed by a human. The analysis leading to tables/variables is done in our mind. How is the algorithm we perform in our mind? How could this 'intelligence be done artificially'? It seemed quite basic to information processing. People quite dynamically create variables, relate them, and categorize them based on certain properties or usages of relevance to the task at hand.

For me two questions are important.

  • How does our mind come up with variables and how do we organize them?
  • What is the most (memory) efficient way to do it?

Years before I had come across an article and subsequently the Web site of Gerard Wolff, which considers compression the basis of computing.

During university time I also had some contact with artificial neural network. It has some commonalities with FCA, like Hebb rule, which associates stimuli and thus forms concepts in a parallel fashion.


Basic starting point is the context, but not the diffuse context of everyday language, but mathematically well confined.

K = (O, A, I)
  • K is called context.
  • O is a set of objects.
  • A is a set of attributes.
  • I ⊂ O × A is the incidence.

2 = {1, 2} and 2A denotes the power set. For subsets Os ⊂ O (Os ∈ 2O ) and As ⊂ A (As ∈ 2A ) one defines these mappings:

  • from a subset of O (Os ) to a subset of A (As ):
2O → 2A OKs = Os’ = {a ∈ A|∀o ∈ Os(o, a) ∈ I}
  • and vice versa
2A → 2O AKs = As’ = {o ∈ O|∀a ∈ As(o, a) ∈ I}

K is represented as a table where rows are objects and columns are attributes.

Note that K(o) = oK = o’ : = {o}K maps O → 2A and that AKs ≠ K(As) = {K(a)|a ∈ As} .

The context is called clarified, if there are no duplicate rows or columns: K(o) = o and K(a) = a are injective.

K(K(o)) = o’’ and K(K(a)) = a’’ are closure operation.

C = {c|c = (Os’’, Os’) = (As’, As’’), Os ∈ 2O, As ∈ 2A} = {O, A} is a concept lattice. Every concept node in the lattice consists of a set of objects and a set of attributes. Nodes further up have more objects and nodes further down have more attributes. If the sets of objects (attributes) of the one above is a superset (subset) of the objects (attributes) of the one below, then these nodes are linked; they are comparable and form a chain. For neighboring linked nodes, the one above is called successor, the one below predecessor. Two links meet when moving downward and they join upward.

meet = infimum = :

Cs  = {∩Os’’, ∪Os’}

join = supremum = :

Cs  = {∪Os’’, ∩Os’}

The s subscript is iterated over after the mapping has been done.

The is a logical or (union) of the extents. The is a logical and (intersection) of the intents.

The partial ordering is by convention based on the extent (objects) and not the intent (attributes) of concepts. One can, though, regard the attributes as objects and the objects as attributes: The two concept lattices are called dual to each other.

Attributes or objects that don't produce new nodes in the lattice, but are only an addition to already existing nodes, can be removed. The intent of such objects (extent of such attributes) are equal to the intersection of other intents (extents). Removing them will produce a reduced context.

Two concepts that can be compared (a < b ), will meet in a and join in b . If not comparable they will join or meet somewhere else, say c . c is comparable to a and b . Possibly they will join at the top or meet at the bottom.


Here some thoughts of interest to me, skimming the surface, asking for further explorations.

The open sets in a topology

  • The empty set and X itself are open.
  • Any union of open sets is open.
  • The intersection of any finite number of open sets is open.

can be compared to concepts. The set X can be identified as attributes.

The concept lattice is the result of many (open set) inputs.

A chain can be seen as an extensive quantity, whose elementary constituents are a selection of attributes. In a one-dimensional crossing of a chain the attributes can be ordered by the time they meet the chain. 'How far down' from a starting point would be a metric for these attributes.

If going down the chain we have a regular pattern of meeting 2 new attributes, then we deal with a 2-dimensional space. The shortest distance determines, which attributes belong to which dimension. This thread leads to geometry.

Elementary attributes are the intents of the nodes just below top. It is waisted resources linking them to top. Instead in a lattice they can be identified by their links downward, by their topology.

Due to the topology induced ordering it is possible to address the attributes via counting, i.e. via combinations of concepts. That is the start of analytical descriptions and of languages.

In the context every attribute was linked to every object with a switch: there xor not there (bit). N attributes that are exclusive can consume less than N bits memory by using combinations: logN bits. Concepts ai are (locally) exclusive if they meet with a concept b in the pattern aib = ci . So the ai form a variable and the ci are a function of a1 , i.e. they can be constructed instead of stored.

A variable is a meta-concept. A variable doesn't need to be linked to every individual value (=concept), if a linear ordering is available to allow intervals. When each of a set of attributes (concepts) meets with each of another set, a 2-dimensional space is spanned (cartesion product). Here analytic descriptions of shapes allow to reduce memory usage.

These analytical elements are also concepts, concepts with parameters: they are called functions in programming. When these functions with formal parameters meet actual parameters, they generate concepts. To address space-time tradeoff the generated concepts must stay around for some time.

The actual parameters must fit to the formal parameters in the requirements imposed by the functions. These requirements are another important kind of concepts: types.

The links in a concept lattice don't have any order. When mapped to a linear memory space a linear order is automatically overlaid, though. If a linear order is inherent to concepts due to their topology, then it's natural to keep this order in memory. Else mechanisms must be installed for the linking that don't use the linear order of the memory space.

If (almost) all combination of concepts are there a natural representation in linear binary memory is by mapping the concepts to bits. Every concept is then an arbitrary precission integer

If the purpose of the combinations is to address exclusive concepts a register machine's addressing capabilities are best put to work.

Actual links, adjustable, like via synapses in the brain, are more kindred to concept lattices.

Register machines with more or less hardware implemented functions (instruction set), can be regarded as an extraction of the analytical features of our brain, first evolved via biological evolution, then via the science culture. Many algorithms developed address special application and are surely very efficient there.

I regard FCA as a connection to the starting points of this development and therefore to consider in a venture to artificially reproduce analytic capabilities of our brain.

Experiments in Python

Since my first contact with FCA new algorithms have been devised to efficiently make a concept lattice, i.e. construct all concepts. In-Close, In-Close2, CbO, FCbO seem to be among the currently fastest ones. (from Comparing Perfomance of Algorithms for Generating Concept Lattices (Kurznetsov)).

My experiments were with older algorithms: NextConcept, Neighbors and AddIntent.

While writing this blog, I've decided to make a github repository pyfca to collect some algorithms in python.

So far it includes a python implementation of the AddIntent algorithm from AddIntent: A New Incremental Algorithm for Constructing Concept Lattices and a lattice drawing algorithm I had taken from Galicia. So it can be used to create a concept lattice (fca_lattice) and to draw it (lattice_diagram) either using tkinter() or svg().inkscape().

My intention is to add more algorithms in times of leisure. A collaborative effort could be more comprehensive. Therefore: Contributions are very welcome.