Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Function Concept: From Lattice To Computing


This is a continuation of the blogs

  • Information (2015)

    The basic concept of mathematics/physics is not the set, but the variable consisting of exclusive values (variable/value). Mathematics/physics is about information encoding/processing and the variable is the smallest entity containing/conveying information. A set consists of variables, normally bits ("there" or "not there").

  • Formal Concept Analysis FCA (2015)

    Concepts in FCA are a dual topology, once using extent (objects, locations), once using intent (attributes, values). There is a Galois connection between them. Intent and extent together form nodes arranged in a concept lattice.

  • Evolution (2019)

    In the evolution blog a system consists of subsystems (of variables). Energy is the rate of information processing (value selections): E = ΔI ⁄ Δt. The variable is the smallest entity having energy. Systems are layered. Every layer has its own energy unit. A subsystem has inner energy. All dynamical systems (natural evolution, economics, society, brain, computing, ...) can be described this way.

In this blog, the formation of structure to save information leads to functions and function applications (computing) according lambda calculus. When describing a concept lattice with functions (higher concepts), a function/variable is an uplink, a value a downlink (data, attribute).

Statistically a function can be described as multivariate probability distribution. The probability distribution describes how often the function occurs, i.e. how much information is saved by the separation of structure into a separate function. The probability distribution is the view (distance) from the function/variable to the usage locations. The dual view is that from a location to the functions, which is Bayes Theorem p(x)p(x|y) = p(y)p(y|x).

This blog also expounds using physical language, because every dynamic system is basically a computer. Physics has a language applicable to all dynamic systems. Dynamic systems produce functional structures just like software developers produce functions.


high = concrete or abstract

Concept lattices traditionally have the abstract nodes further up. Uplinks are links to more abstract nodes and downlinks the opposite.

Normally though more concrete concepts are referred to as higher (e.g. OSI layers). The context hopefully makes it clear what is meant.


Concept Lattice

From a power set, variables arise via (co-)incidence produced by inputs (objects, location). In { {{1},{I walk}},{{2},{I run}} },

  • I is the invariant
  • that produces the variable consisting of the values {walk run}

I creates a local choice: the variable. I is by itself a value, but the change to the next value is slower.

Slower variables

  • channel the selections to local variables
  • are a context to local variables

run and walk exclude each other. In formal concept analysis (FCA) this exclusion is not yet there. A context in FCA is the incidence table, i.e. a binary there/not there, of

  • objects (extent), normally as rows, and
  • attributes (intent), normally as columns

One does a union of objects to intersect attributes of. This results is a lattice of concepts, where the binary variables of the incidence results in larger variables, i.e. where more values exclude each other.

The incidence table maps attributes to objects (A’ = O) and objects to attributes O’ = A. A’’ is called a closure.

A concept consists of

  • objects (extent) sharing the
  • same attributes (intent).

The concepts in the lattice have a partial order produced by containment.

More abstract concepts are

  • larger by extent (usage)
  • but smaller by intent (attributes)

than more concrete concepts.

The two orders are said to be dual. The extent marks importance and is used here.

In FCA more abstract concepts are drawn further up.

  • A node above figures as value (join)
  • A node below figure as location (meet)

This is against other fields, like the OSI layers in computer networking, where simpler concepts are drawn further down and said to be low level. The order people are used is that of space complexity, i.e. number of variables, not the number of usages (extent).

So here higher means more concrete, further up, and lower means more abstract, or further down. {{1 2},{I}} < {{1},{I walk}, because {I}⊂{I walk}. {{1},{I walk}} and {{2},{I run}} cannot be compared.

One can cut away the most abstract part (filter) or the most concrete part (ideal) and still have a lattice.

Every downlink is motivated by an uplink and vice versa.

  • One downlink meeting with more uplinks is a variable with attributes as values (uplinks are also called attributes). Different values produce different locations (more concrete objects).
  • Dually, one uplink joining with more downlinks is a variable with locations as values. This makes the locations the attributes and the attribute the location (understanding by location the focus of attention).

The concept lattice uncovers variables.

Figure 1: The variable maps values to locations.

Before starting to describe a concept, one must be able to distinguish values, like seeing color instead of just degrees of black and white, or seeing "color green" separate from "position here".

Excluding values are variables already in the real system. A processor can detect a variable via an exclusiveness in a common context, i.e. a common parent node in the concept lattice.

Exhaustiveness of a variable refers only to the available data.

In the FCA there is no information/freedom like there is no freedom in an image. The freedom arises when a thread follows the links between nodes. Every local context of the thread opens a variable (way to continue the path).

uplinks are AND-links
Further Down, more concrete concepts combine further up concepts, i.e. link upward.
downlinks are OR-links:
Further up, more abstract concepts link down to alternative more concrete locations where they occur.

The OR is exclusive by location and time. OR-links form a variable in the sense, that location represents the focus of a thread:

  • selection of a value/location by one thread represents one time
  • selection of a different value/location represents a different time

Function Lattice

One can express the concept lattice as lattice of sub-lattices, if one has

  • intersection of sub-lattices (abstraction)
  • union of sub-lattices (application)

Structure becomes a value, to be recognised as a location (value).

The common structure can be separated by introducing variables with values representing the change between locations (abstraction).

The locations where the same structure is used is re-created by application. In the application variables are united with the values. This turns out to overlap with lambda calculus.

N = (λx.M)V
  • M is abstraction of N
  • N is application of M

The variable is added to the left (right-associative). This way existing applications of N stay as is: NW=(λx.M)W

  • application is left-associative
  • abstraction is right-associative

A function is a structure that meets values of one or more variables to produce locations: each value combination one location.

A variable alone is a special case of a function: A variable is a function that maps its values to locations. A variable is a coordinate function. A function is coordinate system.

Dual view:

  • function maps a value to a new locations
  • value maps a function to a new locations

The function encodes the information of the (full) cycle of values, normally of several variables. A function that keeps only one argument variable is a variable, i.e. the other variables represent the function.

In programming the actual coding how to reach a location is done in function. The function can be called covariant, i.e. representing the complexity. The values are then the contravariant parts. In physics the unit is the covariant part, while the number value (magnitude) is the contravariant part, to reach a location.

A function application unites (=AND's) variables with values to form locations by

  • position, mapping ordered parts to ordered parts (matrix method)
  • name, mapping concept to concept containing the same name
  • pointing name (address)

In a computer with constant clock rate, the time for a selection depends on the structure that channels the clock's selections.

A variable is motivated by an invariant (called symmetry in physics), which hints to a slower variable, of which the invariant is one value. The invariant marks a fixation to a more or less temporary location, which focuses the clock (the energy) to the local values. A variable reduces clock cycles (energy consumption).

Functions are a way to organize selections.

  • Abstraction is compression. Less information needs less selection, i.e. less energy
  • Application is (re)creation (synthesis).

In the concept lattice, the number of variables increase downward. Every variable adds information.

If the information of a variable does not overlap with that of other variables, it is orthogonal.

n orthogonal variables, with v values each (logv information), create vn combinations (nlogv information). Such variables of same kind are a method of abstraction. Not all value combinations are actually used. They are channel variables that can accommodate all kind of information. Channel variables allow a general intermediate description with

  • encoding to it and
  • decoding from it

Selections in more concrete layers take longer, if details need to be considered. If details are of no relevance (encapsulated), then the selection rate can also be the base rate (c).

A description with more concrete concepts can be seen as domain specific language (DSL). A DSL can be embedded in a general purpose language via a library.

Channel variables can also be introduced in a concrete layer to create a multitude of value combinations of e.g. digits or letters, mappable to concrete concepts.

Such names are used in traditional programming languages (via numbers for indices and names for identifiers), in continuation of the language our social brain has developed during evolution.

The names can be translated to other types of links, including matrix operations in simulated neural networks.

The time to the next location is the link cost. It is a measure of distance of the location (represented by a value) to the variable or function. The time can be coded as probability.

The link cost depends on

  • kind (position, name, pointer)
  • parallel channels (parallel physically (wires, nerves), sequentially by bus)
  • sequential steps (path consisting of uplinks and downlinks)

A register machine basically uses a pointing name. The memory address is the name. The link cost (access time) can still vary: Some variables are in registers, some in cache, some in RAM.

Neural tissue is highly parallel. Simulation of neural networks is parallel to a certain extent because matrix computations are parallel via SIMD instructions.

FCA and NN

AI normally refers to information processing not completely controlled by humans. In traditional programs the freedom of self-adaptation lies in the value of predetermined variables and the use of pre-written functions. AI adds the capability to create autonomously its own concepts (subsystems). The level of AI is determined by how abstract and general the concepts become.

Both FCA and NN

  • have algorithms that create a lattice, which contains containments, which produces sub-orders and finally higher lattices that use functions.
  • have as input things that go together, the data.
  • allow to automate the ordering and reuse of information, to find a shorter description to meet the training goals (the environment).

FCA creates the lattice from below, on demand, starting with zero links, while NN creates the lattice from above, i.e. full connection, and reduces the connection via weight pruning after training with a lot of data.

In FCA you need as much input (extent) as much intent (features, variables) you want to store. In NN you need a lot of more data to prune all unneeded links.

In NN nodes are layered. NN starts with an array architecture. Given an array of channel variables as input, i.e. input with a lot of unused data, NN can be used to filter out the fetures of interest.

In FCA the lattice is organized by containment. This can be described by NN layers with clustered weights over more layers.

In an FCA lattice the nodes combine values with AND () links from above and with OR ( + ) links further downward, but not so much in layers as in NN, where layer i follows from layer k via xⁱ = wᵢₖf(xᵏ) + bᵢ. With the activation function f, neuron i becomes a binary variable. The weights wᵢₖ decide on the sources xᵏ, and the bias bᵢ decide on the coding of xᵢ to make FCA-like AND uplinks for the xᵢ node.

FCA does not provide fast algorithms with hardware support, but FCA can be subsumed by NN. FCA can guide the choice of NN architecture.

  • both have input that mixes values of more variables
  • both create a map of the actual topology from more inputs
  • both encode the topology with links and not by closeness of weights and nodes (neurons).
  • both need more inputs to produce the map; NN via parallel and gradual steps of change, FCA via (sequential) non-gradual steps.
  • both require the features/variables beforehand; NN to choose training input and NN topology, FCA to choose the kind of input.
  • both need more layers to combine more features/variables to functional blocks

The difference is how the links are usually created:

  • NN reduces links from dense. FCA builds links from zero.
  • NN adapts gradually using gradient of loss. FCA links are boolean: there or not, 1 or 0. Usually NN works with floats as weights for gradual change, but binary weights (as in FCA) are also possible in NN. (Hopfield network)
  • NN needs a loss function, which could be universal, though. FCA does without loss function.

Function as Multivariate Probability Distribution

General channel variables have general channel functions. This generalization reduces the dimensionality and allows a statistical treatment of variables.

Information makes sense only for a variable/function. Information is the number of the values/locations excluding each other in time.

As a value by itself has no information, the code length is that of the variable it belongs to.

Code length is the number of unit variables (normally bits) whose combinations of values produce the same number of values.

The function combines/encodes more locations/values. Depending on the encoding of the function the frequency of values will change. Still, the total code length for every value is that of the variable, i.e. I =  − Σpilog(pi).

Every occurrence gets the same energy by making the code for rare values longer:  − (logpi) ⁄ Δti = ΔI ⁄ Δt = E, where Δti = NΔt ⁄ Ni. The longer code for rare values can be seen as the distance of the locations of application from the function.

Probability represents a view from a function to the locations of application. At the locations of application generally more values of different variables are united with the function to produce the application.

The function's value combinations represent locations.

The function calls lead to a multivariate probability distribution by summing the locations/values along some other variables into a count representing the function's time. Fixing the values for some variables of a function (currying), the probabilities for the free variables is a cut through the total probability distribution.

In a concept lattice without memory limits there would be no need for a probability, because the address length would correspond to the code length resulting from the probability value. But with limited memory the probability is the function's view to the locations. The variable combination is the coordinate system of the function. A value combination (i.e. the application) allows to infer the location.

A multivariate probability distribution is a statistical view for a coded function. Probability theory derives the distribution from the coded function. Statistics derives the distribution from data. They are connected via Bayes Theorem p(x)p(x|y) = p(y)p(y|x).

The multivariate probability distribution represents one time and one particle because the value combinations are exclusive. If called by parallel threads the same function produces a separated probability distribution per thread.

The particle will be most likely where the probability is highest, but it will also occasionally be where the probability is lowest. The probability is the result of summing over hidden variables, basically all variables around the location of function application.

If all hidden variables were included, each value combination would be equally likely, because all frequencies would be the same. The frequency would be that of the processor that runs with a constant clock.

Without the hidden variables the frequency is that of the calls. This frequency is associated to the function, i.e. to the whole probability distribution, and not to single value combinations (locations). It does not matter where the particle is located: the energy (information/time) is always the same or made the same by entropy encoding.

Equal probabilities corresponds to a good choice of function or a balanced coding (like balanced tree), i.e. a good choice of coordinate system. Equal probabilities is information maximization (principle of maximum entropy). Maximum entropy corresponds to well distributed energy.



A processor needs a way to address its concepts. There are several ways to address concepts. Addresses are concepts themselves.

The animal brain has neurons and synapses as low level language. This network is connected with the world through senses and it is enough to intelligently interact with it. Still, the human animal has further developed a more concrete language on top of it to better work together.

The human language hierarchy is

  • byte-phoneme-glyph
  • names
  • addresses
  • concepts
  • ...

Names are the smallest part of an address. A name selects a value from an internal variable. A number can be a name.

The concept lattice needs a language to exist. A description of structure with a language is the concept lattice.

The same concepts can be expressed using different languages

  • bus addresses in a register machine
  • synaptic paths in the brain
  • weights in a neural network (NN)

One needs conversion to and from the internal language, to allow to transfer a system from one processor to another.

A small low level, abstract vocabulary can be used to build higher level, more concrete, concepts.

Concept libraries are identifiable and are negotiated to settle on a common vocabulary for communication.

Basic language

It took natural evolution several hundred millions of years to reach our level of intelligence. The brains had to develop along. It is also a question of hardware.

Our proofed abstract language from mathematics and the principal understanding of what learning is (basically information compression) will show us a shortcut.

Humans have developed an abstract language already. Humans can divide-and-conquer vertically and train modules to use their abstract language to describe more concrete things.

With programming languages the programmer still needs to think of how to write the functions. The experience and abstractions developed over generations provides developers with abstract concept allowing them to describe all kind of system.

Software modules are trained modules. The testing was their training. Pre-trained FCA or NN represent also such a module, a high level concept.

More FCAs can be combined with AND and OR like any other values. Higher level concepts form a higher level language. To really understand and merge the concepts and possibly form other concepts that lead to a shorter description, the high level concepts need to be described with a common low level language. Then they can be compared and merged.

It takes quite an effort to realize that two mathematical theories are equivalent, e.g. Curry-Howard correspondence. One needs to find a common way to describe them, a common language. This is why mathematics develops a more and more abstract base language. A common base language avoids that it happens too often, that people spend their life developing a theory to realize it was there already.

To do a similar job, an AI also needs to have the high level concepts in a common low level language. It is not only AND and OR, but also which value out of which variable, and how they are encoded into bits.

For example to allow an FCA to reorganize functions of a program, it needs to have a common description of them, e.g. via their machine code.


A dynamic system needs information and time. A computer needs memory and clock. The more clocks, the more subsystems.

Where is the clock in the Turing machine? It is the function, which can consist of sub-functions. A Turing machine has energy (information/time). A function has energy (information/time).

To define the function as a map from all domain values to all codomain values in one time step is never reality. It is an abstraction of a subsystem with the time unit equal to the cycle time. When comparing more subsystems a common time needs to be used, which brings energy into play.

A Turing-complete language needs to map to creation and reduction of subsystems i.e. mutation and selection. This way information flows. For actual creation and selection time is needed: a thread.

The minimal SKI or rather SK is Turing-complete. SK corresponds to boolean AND (creation) and OR (selection). iota (ι) is another minimal Turing-complete language.

What a Turing-complete language can actually do depends on the amount of memory. How fast it can do it depends on the system's clock.

Information and Energy


Mathematics is about information processing. Its foundation must hold information.

A variable is a set of values that are

  • exclusive (one value at a time)
  • exhaustive (all values get their turn)

A bit is the smallest possible variable.

The variable is the foundation of mathematics. A set in the conventional sense can be a variable, if finite and an exclusive choice is added ( ∈ ).

A set where intersection and union is possible is not a variable, it is rather a collection of parallel bit variables. The power set of all combinations is a variable (with 2^N values), if a combination of values is seen as its value.

The information of a variable is the number of bits to produce the same number of values.

I = log₂N

A variable has information. A value has no information.

For a variable to persist in time the values must be selected in a cycle. When values are reselected the cycle is repeated. The cycle of selections of values is the variable. The cycle information is the variable information.

All objects moving in a physical space were observed to cycle at some scale.


Infinite/non-cycling variables do not exist other than as a counting cycle/loop with deferred stop in an information processor.

An information processor is a dynamical system. All dynamic systems consist of cycles. The human mind is an example.

Mind or processor shall mean a general information processor, including computers.

A counter normally uses a hierarchical containment of loops producing different values that are combinations of values of lower variables, whose rate of change differs in a systematic way e.g. by position of e.g. digits, letters, phonemes, ...

A counter mimics a general dynamic system with subsystems. A counter with a deferred stop is also a deferred amount of information processed.

One can nest counters. is a nesting of two counters: size and precision. A 2 ∈ ℝ has an infinite counter on the precision axis the same way as every irrational number. A value of is an algorithm, a counter, a higher concept. A value of , or is not algorithmic.

IEEE754 fixes the two stop conditions by fixing the information in fraction and exponent (precision and size) for hardware. In arbitrary precision software one is more flexible: one can defer fixing the stop conditions to the point where actually used.


Probability counts time (times of occurrences).

N ~ 1 ⁄ Δt ~ 1 ⁄ p

The normalization of probability to 1 for one variable is a comparison of time units.

Information is associated with the variable not the value. With just one variable type of C equally frequent values, its information is 1, just like it would be for the bit, but the unit is different, with the factor log₂C as unit conversion.

If values have their own time and if it is squashed to the time unit of the variable, then the (average) information or entropy of the variable is

I =  − Σpilogpi

Note that this has included

  • time via pi and
  • space via logpi (information)

This is information per time, which is energy. But the time unit is that of the variable. A variable with same number of values and same distribution, but high frequency cannot be distinguished from one with low frequency. Locally this is also not needed.

Two variables with independent times have probability p₁₂ = pp. This corresponds to a transition to the smaller of the two time units. The information becomes additive, which makes the energy additive.

The Kullback-Leibler-divergence compares two probabilities on the same variable, one derived from data, one from theory (as seen from the function). The Kullback-Leibler-divergence is the difference in information (code length) between theory and observation.


information = entropy

Information describes both,

  • what can be known (the alternatives, entropy, the variable) and
  • and what is known (the value).

A system that does not change or has no alternatives has no information. A value alone has no information. The alternatives are the information.

Energy = Information / Time

Information alone entails time, because the values (selections) need time. Without values no variable and thus no information.

E = I

A time step is a selection (value). Time does not exist between selections in the absence of another selection to provide a clock. When there is another selection to compare to, one gets a unit to compare to.

Energy is the comparison of information with another information. Time is the unit of information. Energy is information expressed in the unit of time.

With fixed information step h time and energy are inversely proportional:

ΔE = h ⁄ Δt

This is like with any physical quantity: unit and number value are inversely proportional.

Energy is the differential view on information, and information is the integral view on energy.

E = (dI)/(dt)

One always compares information with information. Time is a variable and thus information, too.


Interaction have their own time on a higher layer. In the power P = dE ⁄ dτ = kd²I ⁄ dt², the τ is the time of the higher layer and E and t are the inner energy and time of the subsystem. P by itself is also an energy, but on the next higher layer. When using the same time unit, then every layer adds a power of time rate

  • one layer (variable): E ~ ν
  • two layer K ~ v2
  • three layers B ~ ν3 (Planck law)

With according parallel independent processes, the expressions shift to the exponent.

In thermodynamics, temperature T is a unit of energy

ΔE = TΔS = (E)/(S)ΔS

i.e. one splits the information into two layers, but keeps one time (the motion of particles gives the base clock for thermodynamic processes).

Temperature more generally is the energy (information flow) between subsystems. The subsystems change because of the gain or loss of information.

If the system as a whole looses energy certain structures settle in and stay for a longer time. This structural cooling reduces the dimension (number of variables), which reduces the information and frees it to the surrounding (e.g. exergonic reaction).

One Time - More Variables

The variable implies time, but

  • more variables in the observer system
  • can be one variable with one time in the observed system

A coordinate system in mind might split a variable into more, which in reality are simultaneous. In mind the variables can be processed separately, but if a description of reality is aimed at, it needs to consider that the real variable consists of value combination.

A general transformation between systems can be described by the Jacobian J₂₁, where the combination of variables of system 1 and 2 form a 2D matrix. One can expand the variables to values and work with a 3D matrix, but the other way around introduces functions that code structure. The matrix elements are impulses, which, if zero, describe an invariant.

Functions can be non-linear, but non-linearity can also be described by more linearly coupled systems:

n = Jn(n − 1)...J32J211

A Jji corresponds to a layer of a Neural Network (NN).

Time comes into play when describing all the system variables' rates relative to a third one's rate. The third variable is arbitrary and the mapping to the independent clocking of selections of system variables is necessarily imprecise.

The Δt of the observer clock is external, but assumed constant, while the information is inherent to the system. Energy conservation for a closed system says that the information of the system is conserved. A closed system is only locally closed, though. Non-closed cycles loose or gain information per time, i.e. energy.

An invariant binds variables and makes their values to value combinations.

A mind normally has an internal clock. What is invariant to its internal clock matters when describing the external system's information with the internal. What is invariant to the internal clock is one value combination. The according variables become dependent.

Formation of dependent variables is a reduction of dimensions.

The relation of the values in the value combinations can be described with functions.

A function is a reused subsystem (invariant sub-concept-lattice) to create dependence between variables. A variable itself is a special function. The variable is the smallest fixation: just one invariant that all values share. A value is what is different at a location of function application.

A subsystem of dependent variables with one time is called particle in physics and thread in computing.

The order of selection produces a distance. Since a variable needs to cycle, the first value needs to follow the last one. One variable (dimension 1) cannot create a cycle. Two variables form a minimal particle or thread.

Interaction between (processing of) particles form a higher layer, and need additional variables there. Three dimensions are minimal to have separate times (parallel processing). The actual number of dimensions is very dependent on the system.

Independent particles have independent

  • information I
  • time t
  • energy E

at every layer.

In a layered system, containment channels energy of a thread/particle

  • to spread into lower particles (log) or
  • to accumulate from lower particles (exp)

Channel Variable

Flexible variables for general usage are called channel variables in this blog.

Examples of channel variables are the pixels of a screen or the receptors on the retina.

The information capacity per time of the channels needs to be higher than the actual information sent per time. The quotient ΔI ⁄ Δt matters: ΔIs ⁄ Δts > ΔIc ⁄ Δtc. Information per time is energy E. One can say the "energy of the channel" instead of channel capacity, which is the maximum of mutual information, i.e. the maximum entropy by which the input and output probabilities are still dependent on each other.

Non-binary variables with C values need logC binary channels. By doubling the frequency of a channel compared to e.g. the processor, the number of bus lines can be halved without energy loss. Else reducing lines reduces energy.

  • Our senses are channel variables.
  • The phonetic multitude of a natural language are a channel.
  • Data types are channels.
  • Numbers in mathematics are a flexible arbitrary width channel.

Higher dynamic systems have channels to exchange subsystems that encapsulate energy.

Some life on earth has evolved brains with algorithm that can decode from sensory input channels to the actual variables of origin.

The mind is a dynamic system, that controls more energy than it consumes, by simulating higher energy interactions with lower energy interactions. Such Maxwell demons are ubiquitous, but do not work any more if both systems use the same energy encapsulations.

Evolution is search, i.e. trial and error or mutation and selection. Structural evolution needs to invent and prune structures, i.e. concepts, to reach a description short in space and/or time, to reduce the information per time, i.e. the energy.

By exchanging more concrete concepts one needs less time than by using low concepts, because the concepts are there already in each interlocutor, they just need to be selected.

This is also the case in the physical world. A kilo of petrol contains more energy than a kilo of current technology batteries, but the exchange in both cases takes the same amount of energy.

The channel capacity depends on what is sent, on the protocol, and thus on sender and receiver. Channel capacity can be increased by

  • compression-decompression
  • memory and recall of memory
  • high level concepts

Given a fixed energy low level channel like the phonemes of humans, there are still the protocol levels above, like the many-layered human concepts. On a computer, transporting HTML needs less channel energy than a pixel description of the page.

A brain or computer has a more or less constant energy (= processing = communication of information per time). Using abstract concepts takes more time. Someone who tries to understand, i.e. compare the abstract language, is slower. In that time more physical energy is consumed, because what flows on the lowest physical level is physical information.

More brain energy consumption in humans was made possible, because by broadening the sources, by becoming a generalist, also more energy became available. A species is a channel by itself. Ecosystems are channel systems that structurally evolve over time.

The complexity of a language and the complexity of world it describes are covariant. Humans evolved intelligence because they were living in a complex world already.

Physical Function

Physically a function is a invariant structure (invariant meaning with a lower rate of change). This structure stays the same, while some values change. The structure channels information into local cycles. Local cycles need less information with equal clock.

The structure leads to the selection of the next location with new impulse and new value. A function can be seen as the impulse itself. Processing (impulse) and value are alternating.

The phase space volume of the particle/thread is the information summing both independent changes: that of the impulses (functions) and that of the value(s). Basically phase space volume just counts the locations traversed by the thread. Every location is a function application, a time step. So the phase space volume is equal to the time, but with a separate time unit one gets:

E = I ⁄ T

The energy of a thread/particle is the phase space volume I per cycle time.

This corresponds to the average information per average time step ΔI ⁄ Δt of a value selection.

In time stretches smaller than the cycle the actual selection time of a value and its local/space extend are inversely proportional (contravariant) to keep the constant energy of the particle. The function can be seen as curvilinear coordinate system.

Time is defined by the sequential processing of a function. Exclusiveness of values refers to a location of application, representing a time step.

In physics, specifying a functional relation, corresponds to the transition from the Lagrangian to the Hamiltonian, where the former assumes independent particles (E + E = E − V) and the latter one particle, i.e. one time (E + V = H = Constant).

Function Time Complexity

A function maps input to output. It works as a channel. One can associate an energy to it

E = h ⁄ Δt = hν
  • ν is (processing) rate (speed)
  • h is (processed) information (memory)

Both can be predetermined (register width, fix clock rate), or a result of runtime adaptations (parallelization / number of synapses / NN links, dynamic clocking), but normally they stay constant over some more or less local time.

A processor has basic variables and functions with their according E. The execution time of a higher function is the sum of that of lower functions.

As a result in the containment hierarchy of functions every function has got its processing energy, which depends on the (underlying) structure and the lowest level processing energy.

The processing energy corresponds to the big-O-notation of time complexity. In O(f(n))

  • f(n) is number of time steps depending on the size of the input. The reflects the layering, i.e. the structure, of the processing.
  • ν = 1 ⁄ Δt is replaced by the big O, because it depends on the varying system clock and access strategies of systems
E = O

A processor can process limited, normally constant, information per time. Processing energy is shared between parallel threads. Threads can be halted or their atomic operations can be of variable duration. Parallel threads have separate times.

Evolution of a processor (HW+SW) and its functions goes towards

  • a higher E on the supply side (computers/processors/functions become more powerful)

    For functions:

    • cache arguments (currying): - h up due to caching - ν up due because no need to supply argument
    • memoization:
      • h up due to the map
      • ν up due to shortcutting input to output via direct mapping
  • a lower E on the demand side (information is compressed to save computing power)

    For functions: generate arguments on demand.

    • h down since no caching
    • ν down due to needed calculations to supply arguments

In a function with constant E, h and ν are inversely proportional (contravariant).